United Securities Company

United Securities is one of the first licensed member companies of the Palestine Stock Exchange since its inception in 1997. The company provides its clients with brokerage services in the Palestinian Market as well as other regional and international markets.
Over the past years, the company has carried the slogan "be reassured" reflecting its passion to meet the needs of investors, improving their investments, and having the belief that the investor has the right to receive the best service and value. The policies that emanated from the slogan “be reassured” enhanced the mutual trust between the company and its business partners, especially investors that have put their trust in the company.
United Securities believes in “financial inclusion” which is the right of every citizen to obtain the appropriate investment service, in addition to facilitating access to financial products and services to all segments of the society. Therefore, the United Securities Company is the most geographically widespread among brokerage firms in Palestine. Its headquarters is based in Rawabi city in addition to three other branches based in Bethlehem, Nablus, and Gaza.
For more than ten years, the largest investment of United Securities is its investment in its team by building their capacity and refining their expertise, done by providing them several specialized training courses to provide investors with the best possible brokerage service.
The Company's positive and transparent cooperation with the Palestinian Capital Market Authority, in addition to the diligent efforts of financial management and the Compliance Committee, has resulted in the implementation of the highest standards of safety and security in the field of investments. The company’s future look Is based on keeping pace with the development of information technology in the financial markets to be at a level no less than in other markets and opens a wider horizon of investment and facilitate access to financial information promptly.

